Hi! I'm LittleKitacho

I like making things using code, but you could probably tell that. Recently, I've really been into web development. My old website shows the improvement in my skills from a few years ago, from frameworks to a completely custom theme that I hope you enjoy!
Read more about my projects below, check out my blog posts, or read more about me by clicking this link!

About Me


ModKit is a Discord Bot that is just the right balance between bloat and features, supplementing Discord's own features but not reinventing the wheel. It's an idea that I've had for as long as I can remenber, and has been a dream of mine for longer. I hope that you will check it out and use it for moderating your server!
Find out more at the website using the link below.

ModKit Website

Sokobot Dos

Sokobot was a Discord Bot created by Polymars, but was shut down recently due to the changes to Discord not allowing bots to not use slash commands and a general lack of updates. Sokobot Dos is a recreation of Sokobot in TypeScript, using slash commands and all that jazz. To be updated soon™

GitHub  •  Discord Server

A Collection of Random Internet Card Games

You see the name, you can guess what this is.
A collection of random internet card games that I put together for fun. Features may be lacking, but they're all single page (ha) games that people can run in their browser. Blackjack, one of the only games on there at the moment but I'm hoping to change that, was made in a weekend for no particular reason, and improved upon until I gave up!
Currently working on getting some other card games in there, one of which I came up with myself (I am that kind of nerd).
Check it out if you would! It would mean a lot.


And much more!

If I put every projects that I've worked on in this page, you would be scrolling for hours. You can find more on my GitHub.